AMPAS announced the shortlist for this year's Best Documentary Feature category, and the 15 films are an...interesting bunch. They are:
Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer
Enemies of the People
Exit Through the Gift Shop
Genius Within: The Inner Life of Glenn Gould
Inside Job
The Lottery
Precious Life
Quest for Honor
This Way of Life
The Tillman Story
Waiting for Superman
Waste Land
William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe
Honestly, its impossible to predict this category. Some films are front-runners, except when they're not. There's just no one to guess how voters will respond to a film. Judging by the films on this list, Afghanistan seems to be a popular subject, as is the state of the public education system and political scandal. And it's great to see Banksy's Exit Through the Gift Shop make it; I really can't wait to see how he turned a film being made about himself into a commentary on consumer culture. But at the same time, high-profile docs like 12th & Delaware (about abortion, from the makers of Jesus Camp) and Joan Rivers: Piece of Work didn't make the cut. So who knows.
Anybody seen any of these? Any thoughts?