This Woman Here... the reason I keep watching Mad Men.

I have to be honest, I'm not in love with this show. It's certainly very good, there's no denying that. Yet I find it hard to root for most of the characters; namely, Don Draper (Jon Hamm) and Peggy Olsen are the only ones I really get into. So far (I just started season three), the only episode that's really blown me away is "The Mountain King," the penultimate episode of season two. So many good things happen there!

(Still, when it comes down to, say, Emmy competition, Friday Night Lights > Mad Men.)

But I digress. Peggy is extremely well-written, and Elisabeth Moss' performance...has she seriously not won an Emmy for this yet? Please let this be her year. It's not every day an actress gets a role as fully-realized, interesting, and independent as this one.

On another note: I'm heading back to school next week, which, oddly enough, should result in more posting activity here at The Entertainment Junkie. Even though I have much more to do (homework and such), all that extra work actually helps me post more regularly. The benefits of being busy, I suppose.

That's to say nothing of the fact that awards season is fast upon us, hooray! I'm going to be putting my first Oscar predictions up next week, as soon as I figure out what's eligible and what the buzz is. Also coming soon: Emmy previews for all of the major categories, as that ceremony is only about a month away. So get excited! *singing* It's the most wonderful time of the yeeeeeeeeeeeeear.....
