Housekeeping: New Page and New Series

I've resolved to try to update this site more often than I have been, and in doing so, I've added some new stuff. My hope is that I can provide content that you, dear readers, will find both enjoyable and informative, and maybe even feel compelled to have some reasonable discussions about. So here's what's new at The Entertainment Junkie:

- The Academy Awards Page: instead of writing a new post every month with my updated Oscar predictions, I've made a separate page for them, which you can reach using the tab just below the header or just click here. This allows me to expand my thoughts on the various predictees, and once the nominations are actually announced, I'll include them on the page and share my thoughts there. Hopefully this will make my Oscar coverage more comprehensible, and save some space on the main page for other posts.

- New series! I've tried my hand at ongoing series in the past, to admittedly mixed results. But working with other bloggers in participation with The Film Experience's Hit Me With Your Best Shot series has me eager to try one of my own. So, unlike the more-spontaneous Oscars of the Aughts (if I ever get my hands on Wonder Boys and You Can Count on Me, the year 2000 will go up), I'm announcing a new regularly-scheduled series: Sight & Sound Sunday.

Sight & Sound Sunday will run every other Sunday, and each week we'll examine one of the 52 films from Sight & Sound Magazine's 2012 critics poll of the best films of all time (52 because there was a three-way tie for #50). This series will start next Sunday, September 22, with Robert Bresson's classic allegory Au Hasard Balthazar.

If Sight & Sound Sunday is a success, I'll look into starting more series in the future. So be sure to comment and let me know your thoughts!

- Also this week: in the lead-up to next Sunday's Emmy Awards, we'll be profiling some of the nominated shows, culminating in my personal list of the 10 best shows currently on the air (look for it either Friday or Saturday). And next Monday, check back for a full list of winners in the major categories, with analysis and thoughts.

On a related note, I've contemplated doing episodic recaps/reviews for a show, as I did with Glee's second season a few years ago. For the fall, I've been considering American Horror Story: Coven, but I am open to other suggestions. This is a big "if" at the moment; unfortunately, blogging is not my full-time job, so if time limitations get in the way, I probably won't jump into this just yet. But if you have any ideas for a show you'd like to see reviewed, or anything else you'd like to see on the blog, share your ideas in the comments below.

Thanks for your continued readership over these less-productive years. Hopefully I'll be able to get The Entertainment Junkie back in full force now, and your experience here will be fun and rewarding.
